services & programs
More than half of our patients are in fact employed - but often their job, or jobs, are part-time, and if their employer does offer health insurance, they can’t afford the premiums and co-pays. The remaining patients have lacked consistent access to healthcare causing standard screening and/or preventable treatments to go unaddressed – in many instances resulting in more serious medical issues.
The Clinic provides a wide range of services to its patients - all under the commitment to the communities and individuals of Gloucester and Mathews Counties having access to basic healthcare and education services.
acute medical care
Utilizing Clinic services much like a family doctor, being seen for acute/episodic conditions (ex: cold, rash, earache). Patients being seen in the acute care program may see a different volunteer doctor at each visit.
Primary Medical Care – Acute Conditions
Cold / Influenza
Undiagnosed pain
Adult Preventive Care
Wellness Visits
School and Work Physicals
chronic medical care
Individuals diagnosed with a chronic condition, defined as a medical problem that cannot be cured although treatments may bring the condition under control, are seen through through our chronic care model. This model allows patients to be seen by a consistent team of health care providers, creating a provider-patient relationship and better chance at involvement/partnership in health management.​
Primary Medical Care – Chronic Disease Management
Hepatitis C
dental care
Patients of the dental program receive care for oral health and restorative treatments, as needed.
PLEASE NOTE that patients with Medicaid dental coverage are not eligible for dental care at the clinic at this time.
Preventative Oral Health Care
Fluoride treatments
Restorative Treatment
specialty referrals
In addition to providing the acute and chronic care services, the Clinic has established relationships with local partners for patient referrals, including;​
Labs, Diagnostic Procedures, Emergency Services and/or Hospitalizations through Riverside Health System (RHS), Sentara, and Bon Secours as part of the Charity Care Agreement.
MRI's / CT Scans through the Tidewater Multispecialty Medical Group (TPMG)
Medical / Surgical Services through Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
Physical Therapy / Education Classes through Riverside Walter Reed Hospital(RWRH)
'Every Woman's Life'
The Riverside Cancer Center hosts Every Woman's Life Clinic at the Clinic monthly, where pap smears and breast exams are done. Mammograms are ordered, if indicated.
Call 1-800-520-7006 to schedule an appointment.
patient education
Whether it be our Pharmacist helping the patient to understand the medications prescribed, our Nurse Practitioner helping the patient to see how certain life styles impact their illness, or our dietitian assisting diabetic patients in the purchase and preparation of food that is good for them - patient education is a foundational part of the treatment plan for all GMCC patients.