how to become a patient
If the high cost makes health insurance and health care out of your reach, the Gloucester Mathews Care Clinic may be able to help. The Clinic has recently expanded its eligibility criteria to ensure access to care for those who don’t qualify for Medicaid, but can’t afford health insurance.
eligibility criteria
If you are uninsured:
a resident of Gloucester, Mathews, or lower King and Queen County
at least 18 years of age and not Medicare-eligible
must not have private insurance or veteran's benefits
household income at or below:
If you are a Medicaid patient from Medicaid Expansion:
GMCC currently accepts:
Optima Family Care
Anthem Healthkeepers Plus
Aetna Better Health of Virginia
required documents for screening appointment
At your screening appointment, you must provide the following documentation for everyone listed on your latest tax return.
last two months' pay stubs
most recent 1040 tax return and;
a copy of any W2s, or 1099s​
IF SELF EMPLOYED, a copy of schedule C
proof of all other form of income;
unemployment checks/letter of determination​* ​
(If unemployed and not receiving unemployment benefits, you will be asked to have a friend or family member to complete the GMCC Letter of Support - which confirms you are unemployed with no income and how expenses are being met. The GMCC Letter of Support is available at the Clinic Administration Office.) -
child support/alimony checks or court decree
social security/disability/widow/widowers benefits letter
food stamps benefits letter
TANF determination letter
copy of driver's license or state ID
proof of residence (utility bill, vehicle title, etc.)